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Monday 23 March 2015

Rare Clover Earmuffs + Best Guess Glitch + Graphics!

Hey there Jammers, Mimi here with some cool news! I know most of you hate Mondays, but I see AJHQ does too! :O They're running out of RIM ideas! You know when AJHQ was making some cool new RIMs... That was so good and everyone wanted to get them... But now, AJHQ just changes color of an item that already exists. How boring! ):I

Anyway, today's new RIM are the rare clover earmuffs!

Ah, couldn't they make better colors..? Personally, I think nothing is good on today's RIM, not even the price :( Well, AJHQ, you messed up with this one :(

Also, I noticed one strange glitch on the new Best Guess Party! Actually, it's pretty fun!

You can go into the top right corner of the party! Cool, right! ^-^

Did you notice that there are no more Lucky-Themed jam-a-grams? :( That's because Lucky items are leaving soon, so take a look at the clearance items!

And, finally, here are some graphics! Make sure you give credit to me, Mimi5000, if using them! ^-^

Comment question: What's your opinion on AJHQ just making different colored items that already exist and calling them RIMs?

Well, that was all for today Jammers! Make sure to come back tomorrow, to check out our new author's post - hmm... are curious? Who is the new AJPU's author?

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