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Sunday, 22 March 2015

Aviator Hat + Unreleased Hoodie

Hey Jammers, Mimi here with some amazing news for this post, so keep reading! The new item is returning aviator hat which comes in some super cool colors!

As I already said, the colors are pretty cool and the price is neat! Be sure to get them before they leave shops again. They look pretty good on owls ^-^

Also, I found some very interesting unreleased item! @birdycrossing posted on instagram about this weird item - hoodie!

* Click on an image to make it bigger

They look pretty good :O And they're non-member too! I can't wait for them to come to the shops! What do you think about them? :O If you're using these pictures, please give credit to @birdycrossing!

AJHQ posted on DE about Graham's challenge, which is still going! Here's the picture!

Here're the winners!

Fact Of the Day: Groups of monkeys are known as a ‘tribe’, ‘troop’ or ‘mission’!

I really love monkeys, even tho they are sometimes aggressive :O Well, that's another proof that they're similar to humans XD Here's one cute GIF!

Awwwww, what a cutie ^-^

Well, that was all for this post, Jammers! Don't forget to check back soon, maybe we'll post about Paw Up Movement! ^-^

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