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Sunday, 8 March 2015

Painted Rainbow + Clover Top Hat + Imagination Fair!

Hiya Jammers!!!!!! Spiritpaw here! Today there are some awesome new items along with a cool new DE contest! So lets get to it!!! The first new item is the Painted Rainbow! Here is a pic of it!   

 I really like this new item its so colorful ^.^ The other new item is the clover top hat sold for 500 gems!

Wow this item is kind of pricey but still it looks cool! The DE posted today about a new contest there having its called the STEAM contest! Here is the info!

Wow that sounds so cool I will be sure to enter! Well that’s about it for today jammers! I will leave you with a comment question! 

Comment Question: What is your favorite animal in animal jam?

Jam on jammers!

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