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Monday, 2 February 2015

Rare Heart Antenna Headband + Heart Bracelet!

Hey my puffy readers, Mimi here! Monday is here, oh n- Wait! It's another rare item Monday! Woohoo! Today's rare item is rare heart antenna headband! Wow, it has a long name, like other non-rare antennas do! ^-^

Jam Mart Clothing - 6th page
It is sold on 6th page of Jam Mart Clothing! Be sure to check it out! It's expensive though and member only item (thank you AJHQ .-.), but it is cute! ^-^ 

Also, we have one more new item! Since nobody posted yesterday on AJPU (I'm really sorry for that), we haven't posted about new item. But, anyway, new item is heart bracelet, which is for non-members too! Yay!

Jam Mart Clothing

Fact of the Day: Did you know that Cheetahs are the only big cat that cannot roar? They can purr though and usually purr most loudly when they are grooming or sitting near other cheetahs.

If you haven't read DE yet, here's the yesterday post - Sir Gilbert's diamond challenge! Sounds cool!


Please read if you have Instagram!

Inappropriate images appeared on the hashtag #animaljam
Be careful when tapping on it, they are very disturbing! Make sure you spam with post hashtagged to #animaljam, so we can make those pictures go down below, and warn your followers! Maybe you noticed, but AJPU doesn't have the #animaljam widget anymore!

That's all for today, Jammers! Remember, check back tomorrow for Wombat's amazing post! Bye!

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