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Thursday, 5 February 2015

Owls in Jamaa! - Jamaa Journal vol. 138

                   Hiya, my fellow Jammers! Mimi here with some updates! Yay! ^-^ First of all... Owls came to Jamaa! That's awesome! Here, take a look at the first page! 

Owls can play Forgotten Desert adventure too! 
Yaaaaa- Wait, what? They're in the Diamond Shop :( I can't understand AJHQ! It isn't fair - they're not non member AND they're in Diamond Shop. Really? Can AJHQ choose between those two? Maybe some non-members can collect 10 diamonds. Anyway, they're SO SO SO SO CUTE ^-^ Tiny little puffy balls! Take a look at their moves :)

Tip of the Day: Did you know that you can fly around in Coral Canyons even if you're not an owl or an eagle? I guess AJHQ messed up while making owls fly! ^-^

They are so tiny when they sit ^-^ So cute!
Anyway, let's move on to second page!

Pizza Parlor won on the Den Item Contest! Cool ^-^ I saw many Jammers around Jamaa who made Pizza Parlor dens! If you didn't vote for this item set - don't worry! Every item set is coming to Jamaa, but as you can see, the Pizza Parlor came first! Take a look at the new items!

Seriously, AJHQ? Only 1 non-member item? .-. Non-members are SO thankful!
Anyway, let's move on to next (3rd one, right?) page!

Since owls came, their Minibook came too! Remember to visit Chamber of Knowledge to check out this Minibook and mark all signs to get bonus gems! 

Also, there's a new exhibition in Conversation Museum about owls! Also, there's a out on a limb video, so be sure to check it out!

Moving on to the next page...

Safer Internet Day! Be sure to check all banners trough land worlds of Jamaa, and read awesome tips! It would be amazing if Jammers were listening to these tips... Scamming wouldn't exist.. Or maybe it would? Who knows! Here, take a look at the tips!

 Last page, but not least...!

There's a new episode of wild explorers! I laugh so hard while watching those.. Haha! It says "Jammers' favorite show". Is it really your favorite show? Comment below! But, first, watch it!


Also, remember to check out Mira Says game, in Chamber of Knowledge, to get bonus gems! I don't even know why would anybody play it... It's kinda boring, and you don't earn a lot of gems! But, maybe this bonus helps, who knows!

Comment question: Did you expect Pizza Parlor having THOUSANDS of votes? For what item set did you vote?Are you disappointed?

Well, that's all for today, my puffy Jammers! Check back tomorrow for Awesomepanda868's amazing post! And, remember - answer the comment question ^-^

What do you say - how does my new signature look? ^-^

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