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Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Daily Explorer Post!

 Hi jammers! Panda here! :D There are no new items today- probably just AJHQ preparing for the big update tomorrow! ^.^ (Assuming the update with the owls is tomorrow!)

Here is the fact of the day! :D

Fact of the Day: A seal can hold its breath for 2 hours, which is a record in the animal world.

The Daily Explorer posted two things today- one contained pictures from the elephant AJHQ Spotlight, and another had a brand new comic in time for the arrival of the Friendship Party! Let's check it out- shall we? ^.^

Awesome! Great job everyone- I participated in this, except I had to go within 2 minutes. D: 

Isn't it weird how they called Jam-a-Grams 'Jamaa-Grams' in the first scene? Otherwise, this comic is amazing! And it features the owls! I can't wait for the second installment...

Okay jammers- so sorry for the short post! >O< Better get started on my homework, but I may come back later and post a Paw Up Movement segment! 

Comment Question: Are you excited for the second installment of this new comic?

Ciao jammers! ^.^


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