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Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Kelp Archway + Daily Explorer Post!

Hi jammers! Panda here! ^.^ The new item is the kelp archway in Sunken Treasures!

Pretty cute item Too bad it is so expensive and only has one color. ):

Fact of the Day: Sharks do not have a single bone in their bodies. Instead they have a skeleton made up of cartilage; the same type of tough, flexible tissue that makes up human ears and noses.

On The Daily Explorer, AJHQ posted some of the amazing Jammer Art!

Great job to everyone who entered! :D The new prompt is Sketch Jam (bunnies, wolves, Mira etc.) and owls! Be creative jammers- maybe you could even win the art plaque and be featured! ^.^

Comment Question: What has been your favorite Sketch Jam so far? Mira? Wolves? Puppies? Phantoms? Or bunnies?

Ciao jammers! Make sure to stop by tomorrow for Mimi's amazing post! :D


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