Hey my little puffy fluffy AJPU readers! Mimi here with some FLUFFY PUFFY updates :D Let's start!
Awwww, these are the cutest pets in Jamaa! (no, wait, pandas are the fluffiest :O) :freaks out: Anyway, it looks like AJHQ copied MLP a bit (My Little Pony) :o But they're still cute tho :) Sadly, sold in- GUESS WHERE? Diamond Shop .-. I'd be boring if I write my opinion on this in every single update post. Yes, every single one! AJHQ is only bringing Diamond Shop pets :(
Moving on to another page!
Endangered snow leopards! :O They are endangered in the wild too, but on AJ too! They'll be leaving the Diamond Shop (yeah, again about it .-.) on March 5th! If you have enough diamonds (grr!) remember to pick up one! They're very cute ^-^ Also, for those big cat lovers (and others too :P), here's a question: Did you ever donate for big cats in the Conversation Museum? If you did, congrats! :claps:
Moving on to the third page!...
AJHQ is reminding us - "hey, owls can fly too!" Oh, sorry XD Actually, owls can go to The Forgotten Desert adventure too! I think most of you already noticed this! :P
Oh, another reminder! What do you think - is the Special Delivery adventure leaving soon? Remember to play it and collect the items you didn't yet :O
Last, 4th, page!
Weird how this Jamaa Journal is so short! Only 4 pages! Anyway, guess what? Another reminder :O Well, shortly, remember to eat pizza! (or just buy the pizza parlor items)
Since we finished we the updates, here's some interesting stuff for you, my Jammers!
Have you noticed yet the "glitched Cupid wings"? If you didn't, remember to check out WootMoo's video by clicking here! Here are the pictures!
Here're the examples of glitched cupid wings! "Huh? Why are you tricking us? These are the common buy-able wings!" you may think. But no. If you clicked the link above, you would know that those are actually glitched. Take a closer look.
The picture on the left is just a zoomed picture from above (glitched wings) and the right picture are the cupid wings that are right now in the shop (non-glitched wings). The difference is not big, but enough interesting draw attention to traders in Jamaa. Shortly, the wings' gloss from last year is white. It's a pretty small difference, as I said, and also not really noticing when an animal is wearing it. Check WootMoo's video by clicking here to check out all the kinds of wings!
Comment question: What do you think about glitched Cupid wings? Is it worth trading for them?
Comment down below your opinions!
Now, before I end this post, I have something to say...
We'll miss you Wombats.
Yes, Wombats quit posting :( No, we're not starting drama or anything, she just decided that she can't post anymore because of personal reasons. I'll miss you, we all will. I didn't just respected you because you were an author, I loved you because you're my great friend. I hope you continue reading AJPU and that this won't break out friendship!
You'll always be my little fluffy puffy Wombats :')
That's all for today, Jammers! Happy Jamming, bye!
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