Hi jammers! Panda here, with the 3rd segment of the Paw Up Movement! ^.^
Have you ever wanted to express an opinion on Animal Jam? Whether it be about an idea for a new item/den/party or on an Animal Jam blog? Here are a few ways you can put your paw up!
- Drop your suggestions in the suggestion areas around Jamaa! Have you ever seen the floating purple question mark icons around Jamaa? Almost every room has one! ^.^ AJHQ gets a lot of these suggestions every day, so don't be disappointed if your suggestion doesn't get acknowledged!
- Send a few howls in to Jammer Central! By submitting howls, you can have your voice heard in Jamaa, and have a chance of earning that awesome howl plaque for your den!
- View and comment on The Daily Explorer! Did you know that AJHQ has it's own blog, The Daily Explorer? Try commenting on it- perhaps AJHQ will respond! ^.^
- Create an Animal Jam blog! With sites like Wordpress and Blogger, making a blog is super easy! Why not try making one? You can share opinions, updates, pictures and more with your viewers! ^.^ If you do make one, make sure to request for it to be mentioned on the Other Blogs page!
- Contact AJHQ! If you didn't know already- AJHQ has their own email for jammers to contact them! To contact AJHQ, send them an email by clicking here, fill out a contact form by clicking here, or send them any mail (like letters and postcards) by sending your mail to:
Animal Jam
PO Box 3624
SLC, UT 84110-3624
I hope you learned some ways you can raise your paw in Jamaa! ^.^
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Thanks for commenting! Make sure you share you're opinion, without bullying or swearing! Be polite to other Jammers and respect their opinion!