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Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Spring Throne + Graphics!

Hey jammers! Panda here! ^.^ Sorry I haven't been posting recently... the workload at school has increased dramatically, and my grades have begun to go down as I spend too much time blogging. And (if it is okay with Mimi) I would like to switch my days of posting from Wednesday and Friday to just Saturday, if that is okay with you. ^.^ Once June comes, and I get less homework, I may begin posting two days of the week again.

Anyways, the new item is the spring throne in Treetop Gardens!

This item is so cute (especially those precious little mushrooms on top!), but the price sure isn't. :P Still, this item is pretty neat. Absolutely perfect for spring-themed dens! ^.^ Oh, and if you use that gif that I made on your own blog, please give credit. Thanks! :)

Fact of the Day: Penguins are excellent swimmers. They can swim 15-20 miles per hour.

On The Daily Explorer, they posted a fabulous gif of some phantom artwork!

Fabulous art, jammers! And make sure to enter Graham's Imagination Fair for a chance to win 5 diamonds and to have your creation featured on The Daily Explorer for all the jammers to see!

Here are some graphics of Diamond Shop items that I made! You can use them without credit if you like, just don't claim that you made them, please. ^.^

I hope you enjoyed today's post! Check back tomorrow for more updates here at AJPU!

Comment Question #1:  Do you like the new spring throne in Treetop Gardens? Or do you think it is too expensive?

Comment Question #2: Have you gotten Play Wild Beta on your tablet or computer yet? (to learn how to get PWB on your computer, click here!)

Jam on!


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