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Monday, 16 March 2015

Rare Leprechaun Hat + Official Play Wild Beta Site + Artwork Corner!

*** If you came here through the Paw Up Movement label, remember to click "Click here to read more" button! ***

Hey my little Jammers, welcome to another post with Mimi! Today, I'll be showing you some great new things, so stay with me! ^-^ 

AJHQ brought one terrible RIM...

"Well, not that terrible!" you may think! Yes, the price is "common" for a RIM and unacceptable by many Jammers, but there something else about it... Doesn't it remind you of something else..?

Yes, it definitely does. >:( Really, AJHQ? Wasn't there a better idea for a new RIM? :O

Anyway, let's change the topic! We're talking about PLAY WILD BETA app :O Suddenly, AJHQ made an OFFICIAL SITE for Play Wild Beta, with lots of screenshots, tips, and other helpful things!

Visit to send a beta invite, if you haven't yet! It's the safest way, since some Jammers were making sites, which they called "PWB beta testing", which is totally unsafe and requires your Animal Jam password. That's an obvious trick, right?

Don't be confused anymore!

Many Jammers noticed that their accounts on PWB are removed after the big update, so they were really worried - "Is this normal?? OMG, what is happening?" Well, the official site of Play Wild Beta tells us that it is totally normal and they have to often remove some accounts since the app is still in development! ^-^

AJPU has another interesting page! It's called ARTWORK CORNER and everybody can visit it by clicking on the one of the banners from right sidebar! 

We're still working on the page, so for now there is only mine art :( Soon, other Jammers will be submitting too, but, as I said, we're still working on it! Click here to visit the Artwork corner now! :)

♥ Jammer of the Day 
 Paw Up Movement Special  

I was in Jamaa Township, when I noticed something really kind...

"Lions roar, eagles soar, non-members deserve more!" 
This message is so kind and totally true. Even though Awesome Arcticgem is member, she understands the rights of non-members! Congrats, Awesome, for being one of the Jammers who understands Jammers' rights! 

Comment question #1: What do you think about new RIM? Is it terrible, or you love the changed detail?

Comment question #2: Isn't it nice what Awesome said? What kind message would you send to other Jammers?

Well, that was all for today, Jammers! I hope you enjoyed and keep roaring! ^-^

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