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Saturday, 7 February 2015

Pizza Counter + DE Post!

Hey Jammers! Wombats here. The Pizza Counter is here in Jam Mart Furniture for 550 gems. Expensive...

Sadly, it's for members only. Why would AJHQ make all these Pizza Parlor items for members? What do you think about that?

The Left + Right Friendship Necklaces are available in Jam Mart Clothing for 350 gems, and for non-members, yay! 

The Heart Scarf is also here in Jam Mart Clothing for 350 gems, also. But, it's for members. 

Have you ever noticed the strange secret doors in The Chamber of Knowledge? Do you ever wonder where they lead? Interesting...


Fact of the Day: A male giraffe can weigh as much as a pick up truck! That's about 1,400 kilometers!

Comment Question: What do you think about the Pizza Parlor Den Theme? What did you vote for?

That's all for today, jammers. Bye!

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