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Sunday, 22 February 2015

Clover Bench & DE Diamond Challenge!

Hi jammers! ^.^ It's Panda here! :) Sorry that there hasn't been much posting on the AJPU lately- since we just lost an author, schedules and other things have been kind of all over the place. But with our new author, spiritpaw, I think things will go back to normal soon. :)

The new item is the clover bench in Jam Mart Furniture! 

This item has an amazing price, but I wish it were a bit more detailed and for all jammers. But this item is perfect for all Happy-Go-Lucky dens! :D

Fact of the Day: Lions are the second largest cat species in the world (behind tigers).

Make sure to stop by The Daily Explorer to enter in this awesome new Diamond Challenge!

5 diamonds each? Wow! :D

Okay jammers- bye for now! 

Comment Question: Are you excited for the Happy-Go-Lucky festival coming up?

Ciao jammers!


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