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Monday, 16 February 2015

Cherry Tree, RIM + DE Post

Hi jammers! Wombats here. Nobody has posted in days, so I guess I'll just do a quick post. The Cherry Tree is here in Jam Mart Furniture for 500 gems. It is very expensive. Sadly, it is not for all jammers :(

The Rare Heart Cape is in Jam Mart Clothing for 750 gems! Wow. It is for members. Shouldn't this RIM be for all jammers?

Friendship Clothes are leaving! Be sure to pick yours up today in Jam Mart Clothing!



Fact of the Day: Wolves have 2 coats, an undercoat, and a top coat, which allows them to survive in temperatures under 40 degrees Celsius! 

Do you want to know more about the RIM today! Click here if your curious! 

What did you think about Valentine's Day in Jamaa? Was it the best you've ever experienced? Were the items too expensive? Comment your answers below, jammers!

Santa hat? What's the Jamaalidays doing in Jamaa in February?

Bye, jammers!

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